Pastor’s Pen – June 23, 2013

Why We Need a Health Care Conscience Rights Act: The right of religious liberty, the First Freedom guaranteed by our Constitution, includes a right to provide and receive health care without being required to violate our most fundamental beliefs. Especially since...

Pastor’s Pen – June 16, 2013

Of Marriage and Fortnights for Freedom.. In response to the USCCB’s Call to Prayer for Life, Marriage and Religious Liberty, several talks on marriage will be presented throughout the Archdiocese. Dr. Ed Hogan, Director of Paul VI Institute and Associate...

How do you handle the pain of failure?

“Life is difficult.” That is the opening sentence of Scott Peck’s classic book The Road Less Traveled. Though I would agree more fully with his statement if he had said “Life is sometimes difficult”, he makes a point. Life has its moments that are difficult. And often...