Pastor’s Pen – September 23, 2012

Words of thanks… I received a letter this week. The salient parts said this: “Without your parish exceeding its goals, I would not have such good news to report today about this most important appeal. I ask you please to express, in your Sunday bulletin and other...

What name do YOU give to describe Jesus?

For the four years I taught high school, I was perpetually puzzled (some might say clueless) about the words students used to describe their dating relationships. Were you seeing each other, dating, just going out, going steady, or what? Each had its own set of...

Pastor’s Pen – September 16, 2012

Tuesday Night musings… I came home last night from my usual Tuesday at the Newman Center to find the grounds awash in activity. The field was an illuminated green from the overhead lights. Riots of kids in colorful uniforms dashed from end to end and side to side, in...

Pastor’s Pen – September 9, 2012

Faithful Citizenship… “Father, I don’t like any of my choices going into this fall’s election.” I know what they mean. Neither party seems to have a lock on our core Catholic values to such an extent that it makes voting for them an easy choice. Yet vote we must. To...