Happy Easter!

My classmate, Fr. Kevin, loves movies as much as I love golf. At the Chrism mass on Thursday, he told me I HAVE to see a movie called ROOM. It was one of the films nominated for Best Picture this year. YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS FILM. (and for those who do not like...

Before and after the reading of the gospel

Before the reading of the gospel: It is not the first time that any of us has heard and celebrated the story. We know the players. We know the plot line. We even know the outcome – the good guys win. And yet, we still gather to hear and tell the story – to let it...

Do you ever hear voices in your head?

I grew up with voices in my head. Voices that spoke pretty loudly at times. Voices that tried to convince me of two very different things. On the one side, there were the voices that said: “You are a good kid, Bill Kempf. You are a good listener, obedient, respectful,...