Christmas 2015

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Rejoice! The weeks of Advent waiting are over, and Christ is born! We rejoice in our Savior’s birth—remembering the great gift of faith He has given us through the mystery of His incarnation and the saving power of His death and resurrection.

Each year, the people of our archdiocese have been asked to make a special gift on Christmas Day to support our seminarians at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary. The men of our seminary, who have responded to Christ’s call to follow Him, are truly a gift to the Church and to the Archdiocese of St. Louis. It is these men who will bring the faith given to us by Christ 2000 years ago to future generations here in the Archdiocese of St. Louis.

I ask you, once again, to pray for vocations and for all our priests and seminarians. I also ask you to be generous in your donation to the Christmas Day collection, which helps pay the day-to-day expenses and maintenance of our seminary.
Please be assured of my prayers for you during the season of Christmas. May the Lord of life come into your hearts and homes in a special way during this holy time of year.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson
Archbishop of St. Louis

Let me add my prayers and those of our staff for you as well. May you know the heart of love this season in all your gatherings and celebrations..…. Fr. Bill
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More than a few people have asked if we are going to conduct our Visitation Drive this year. The answer to that is no and yes. We will not be sending out a general mailing to all of our parishioners as in other years. We will be contacting those, however, who have not or chose not to make a pledge to the Beyond Sunday Campaign. Part of that letter will be a last chance option to be a part of the joint capital campaign. However, for those who want to help underwrite the unfunded operational expenses of the school and parish, without buying in to the larger needs of Catholic education in the Archdiocese, we are happy to provide you with that opportunity. Certainly, if you have made a pledge to Beyond Sunday, that is the priority. But if you have not, then the need is still here at St. Ann. Please respond with the same generosity as in prior years.