Kudos to all of you…

I was asked to put a quick summary of my remarks at the Parish Appreciation evening. Complements of some research by Bill Hook, here is what I can say about St. Ann Parish, 2015. Among the many ways that we have been faithful stewards of God’s gifts of time, talent and treasure, what I can tell you is this:

It has been 160 years since the first Baptism happened here at the parish. The ‘big school’ has completed its 157th year of educating and forming students for the kingdom. The Preschool celebrated its 22 year anniversary of opening at St. Ann’s and received its 7th consecutive Missouri Accreditation certification.

We held:
the 10th annual Lenten fish fry
the 53rd annual Msgr. Sprenke Soccer Tournament
the 27th annual Men’s Club Golf Tournament
the 21st annual Men’s Club Poker Tournament
the 28th annual SAPO Progressive Dinner
the 44th annual Dinner Dance and Auction – where we raised nearly $65,000
the 18th annual Trivia Night benefiting the Men’s Club, School and Pre-School
I have no idea of what year of the ST. PATRICK CASSEROLES we are in, but I suspect St. Ann’s has made a LOT of tuna-mac over the years…

In addition, this year saw the extreme makeover of the preschool basement. And the housing of the local office for the Meals on Wheels in the St. Ann rectory. And the first stages of painting the rectory. And the awarding of 4 scholarships to graduating eighth graders – The Men’s Club, SAPO, Ladies Guild and Bill Hebron scholarships – nearly $4,000 all in all to help our students attend the Catholic High Schools of their choice.

The action words at the heart of our Parish Mission statement remain as true now as when we drafted them 12 years ago:

As servants and disciples, together we:
welcome and worship;
celebrate and socialize;
educate and form;
serve and support.

Thank you for making this Pastor’s heart proud! And thanks be to God, for all that, by His grace, we have been able to accomplish…