Children’s foundation… continued.
Some more Q and A…
Won’t this initiative reduce state funding of public schools?
No, the Initiative explicitly declares that state aid to a school district cannot be reduced because it receives funds from a non-profit foundation. In addition, this initiative earmarks 50% of its assistance to public schools. And public schools will be eligible for the 10% earmarked for special education. Public schools are the primary beneficiaries of this proposal.
Isn’t this just another school choice (voucher) proposal?
This is not a voucher but a tax credit. There is appropriation of state funds; instead a portion of a taxpayer’s tax liability is reduced when he or she makes a financial donation to an eligible foundation.
So how does this work?
If enough signatures are collected, the ballot initiative will be put on the November 2014 election ballot as a Missouri constitutional amendment. According to the terms of the amendment, no more than $90 million in private donations will be allowed in any given year, which will result in $180 million for K-12 education. The Children’s Education Initiative combines public and private investment to improve the education of all children.
We will hold the petition drive here at St. Ann the weekend of Nov. 23, 24. If you would like to assist with this effort, there is some training involved. Please contact Jim Paunicka, our parish chair of this effort, at your earliest convenience. Jim and the Knights of Columbus have graciously agreed to spear-head our efforts.
I had hoped to be ready to roll out the Visitation Drive this weekend, as a part of a renewed stewardship of resources effort this weekend. But the timing of my leaving for retreat before Pat Marstall returned from her well deserved vacation precluded that as a realistic possibility. But stay tuned, as they say, for further information.
Finally, due to one of those quirks of calendar and liturgical law, the feast of the Immaculate Conception falls on a Sunday in Advent which takes precedence. The feast is transferred to Monday the 9th, but its nature as a Holy Day of Obligation is abrogated (translation – we still celebrate the feast, but you don’t have to go to mass under pain of sin if you miss.)