Who cleaned up after the parade?  Someone had to clear the streets after the triumphal entry.  To make the road passable for the carts and donkeys and foot traffic.  It is the part of parades that even now we don’t give much thought to.  Picking up all that was left...

Palm Sunday – before Gospel reading

Imagine this retelling of the Palm Sunday Passion from the perspective of those who expected a military and political Savior – and that was almost everybody. For days, Jesus and his disciples meet secretly outside Jerusalem. They plan where their weapons will be...

How easily do you give people a second chance?

A young girl brought her new boyfriend home to meet her parents. The parents could not find many good qualities in the young man. When they had the chance to talk to her, later by herself, the girl’s mother said: “Dear, he doesn’t seem like a very nice person.” “Mom,...

How often do you shine?

There is usually a moment in every wedding I am graced to witness when the couple just glows. Most often, it is after the vows, when they are more relaxed and the moment kind of sinks in. There is a wonder to their face, and honesty and excitement about their future,...