How do you recognize temptation?

It would be easy, wouldn’t it, if all temptations came with some kind of tangible warning sign – perhaps flames of fire surrounding them, or with a flashing neon light, or had a warning sound, blaring like a police siren, or even the vibration of a phone app to tell...

What aren’t you going to do this Lent?

I know the question is a little backward. But please notice that I am not asking you what you are giving up, or what practice you are choosing, or even how you and the world will be different because of this Lent. Rather the question is: What aren’t you going to do...

Have you ever prayed for a shallow life?

My brother Joe quoted a friend who – in the middle of a number of family crises in a row – said “Good grief, another rotten growth opportunity… Where can I find a prayer for a shallow life?” “Where can I find a prayer for a shallow life?” We know the question:...

Are you a fan of King Herod?

Most Christians would not list King Herod among the good guys in the story of salvation. Though he was a great builder, and did rebuild the temple for the Jewish people, he also built many other temples to other gods in an attempt to pacify the people under his rule....