by St. Ann Staff | Dec 2, 2012 | Sunday Homilies
In college, when it came to papers, I functioned best as a procrastinator. Assign me the paper at the beginning or middle of the semester, the result was the same. It would get done at midnight or later the night before it was due. Maybe I worked better under...
by St. Ann Staff | Nov 25, 2012 | Sunday Homilies
We Christians say that we expect Christ to come back. We pray in the Lord’s own words every Sunday: Thy Kingdom come. Yet, I suspect that most of us approach that with a fairly dashed set of expectations about a better world that never quite comes. (We have been...
by St. Ann Staff | Nov 19, 2012 | Sunday Homilies
(Pull out a 3×5 index card – and start ‘reading’ the answer.) “This TV game show is known by this signature theme song during the final round.” <<play audio>> If you answered:”What is Jeopardy?”, you would be...
by St. Ann Staff | Nov 11, 2012 | Sunday Homilies
Long before the Electric Slide, the Macarena and the Cha Cha slide, the original line dance at weddings was the Hokey Pokey. It goes like this: You put your right foot in, You put your right foot out. You put your right foot in and you shake it all about. You do...
by St. Ann Staff | Nov 4, 2012 | Sunday Homilies
It was early in the crop planting season on a large Kansas farm when Tim reported to his father in the barn. With a slight grin, his dad flipped him the keys to the big tractor and said: “It’s your time. You plow the big field.” Tim felt both pride and terror...
by St. Ann Staff | Oct 28, 2012 | Sunday Homilies
What I wouldn’t have given to hear the line addressed to Bartimaeus in today’s gospel being addressed to me when I was discerning my call to the priesthood. “Take courage; Get up, Jesus is calling you.” Oh, for such clarity in my discernment. But it was not...