Did Adam ever wish he had is rib back?

The final verse of the campfire song ‘Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again’ goes like this: “Now poor master Adam is left holding the sack. He wishes he’d have his ol’ rib back. Cause’ of this story, there ain’t no more. Cause Eve got the apple, but Adam got the core.” I first...

Do you keep your eyes on the prize?

I coached enough good and not so good soccer players (and teams) to tell the difference.  The better players kept their eyes on the goal of winning the game no matter what happened.  When my not focused on the prize athletes got fouled, they would look for a chance to...

What name do YOU give to describe Jesus?

For the four years I taught high school, I was perpetually puzzled (some might say clueless) about the words students used to describe their dating relationships. Were you seeing each other, dating, just going out, going steady, or what? Each had its own set of...