Are you possessed?

A father of a teenage girl was describing his daughter in a conversation.  “She is pretty normal and balanced, good sense of humor, athletic, sociable.  In 99% of her life, she is a typical teenager.  But when she misplaces her i-phone – she is like a woman...

Jesus is beginning his journey to Jerusalem

Below is an outline of the homily given by Deacon Jack Shannon 1. Gospel Reading: Jesus is beginning his journey to Jerusalem. (to end of October) To suffer, die, and rise. 2. Jesus Teaches us discipleship: “And to another he said, ‘Follow me.’ But he...

When was the last time you wept over your sin?

When was the last time you wept over your sin? It is an image that is hard to get out of your head once it climbs in there.  Perhaps you have seen it in your own life.  Or perhaps it comes from your reading of the gospel today.  It is the image of a woman (or anyone...

What difference does the Trinity make in our lives?

What difference does the Trinity make in our lives? I have to tell you a secret.  I spent a week here on earth, walking with the Trinity.  And like the triune God we know and love, it was in the form of a single person.  His name was Benjamin.  He was 33.  I found out...