Pastor’s Pen – July 19, 2015

We are in the home stretch of the Annual Catholic Appeal for this year. And though we have made our actual goal, there is always a challenge goal that we are invited to strive toward, so that the good things that are accomplished through this Appeal may be done, year...

Pastor’s Pen – July 12, 2015

Marriage is… Atlanta Archbishop Wilton Gregory published this statement after the Supreme court decision which changed the definition of marriage in the laws of our land. “Each U.S. Supreme Court decision that has ever been rendered has resulted in deep disappointment...

Pastor’s Pen – July 5, 2015

Surprising study about addiction recovery… In one of Facebook’s better moments, a friend shared a link to a Huffington Post book review – about Addiction and its treatment. Summarizing the somewhat surprising results of the book – it seems that addiction is best...

Pastor’s Pen – June 28, 2015

So what is the Parish Planning Process? (Continued from last week) Here is the hard data from the archdiocese. Though we rank pretty highly in relationship to other dioceses around the country in terms of the number of priests and ratio of priests to lay people, as...

Pastor’s Pen – June 21, 2015

What does it mean to be church? That was the question that Bishop Edward Clark of Los Angeles found himself asking. Confronted with changing demographics, both within the parishes under his guidance, and the number of priest available to serve those parishes, it was...