Pastor’s Pen – March 22, 2015

Pope Francis – Part 3. “Make your hearts firm!” (James 5:8) – Individual Christians As individuals too, we are tempted by indifference. Flooded with news reports and troubling images of human suffering, we often feel our complete inability to help. What can we do to...

Pastor’s Pen – March 15, 2015

Pope Francis’ Letter on Lent, continued… 2. “Where is your brother?” (Gen 4:9) – Parishes and Communities All that we have been saying about the universal Church must now be applied to the life of our parishes and communities. Do these ecclesiastical structures enable...

Pastor’s Pen – March 8, 2015

Hmmm… It is not often that I interrupt a Pope for a Bishop, but I am making an exception this week. I just received a copy of Archbishop Carlson’s Pastoral Letter on Penance in the mail. Though I have just started reading it, kind of like the scene in Jerry McGuire...

Pastor’s Pen – March 1, 2015

For the next few weeks, I wanted to pass on to you Pope Francis’ reflections on the season of Lent. It is broken up into three sections. After an introduction speaking about the need for an interior renewal, Pope Francis says this: “To further this renewal, I would...

Pastor’s Pen – February 22, 2015

The first question of Lent… For the thirty plus years of my priesthood, I have been using the same tired joke that always gets a laugh. When asked: “What are you giving up for Lent, Father?” my response has been the same. With a dead pan face I say one word....

Pastor’s Pen – February 15, 2015

On the doorstep of Lent… So, how will this Lent be different from other Lents in your life? We know the drill, the three practices by heart by now, don’t we? Fasting. Prayer. Almsgiving. The $10,000 question is: “How will you fast and pray and give alms this year?”...