Pastor’s Pen – November 16, 2014

Lessons from Gandhi… It is Saturday night, Nov. 8th as I write these words. Perhaps by the time you are reading this, the Grand Jury has released the results of its probe into the shooting death of Michael Brown. Perhaps they have not. Perhaps things are still...

Pastor’s Pen – November 9, 2014

Follow up… First, let me say “Thanks” to one and all for your response to my annual ‘state of the union’ address on Stewardship Sunday. Though I don’t have the break-down on individual givers, I can say that October stewardship increased in three ways from September....

Pastor’s Pen – November 2, 2014

To everything there is a time, and a place for every purpose under heaven… They call them the ‘sandwich years’ – describing the situation of many adults in our days who now have the responsibility not only for raising their children at home, but now are taking care of...

Pastor’s Pen – October 26, 2014

From the Pastor’s Pen: Many thanks to all who helped to make our annual garage sale such a huge success. Rough estimates put the funds raised at about $3,000. As always, a huge thanks to Bob Reid for organizing the affair, arranging the pick-up of large items, and...

Pastor’s Pen – October 19, 2014

of Gratefulness and Stewardship… After my stewardship report of a few weeks ago, a parishioner put it upon herself to start the “21 Club” to help reduce the deficit. In her own words, she said: “All I could think was this, if 21 people gave $1000 it would cure...

Pastor’s Pen – October 12, 2014

The challenges before us… Diocesan wide… So an interesting thing happened at our Deanery meeting this past Monday. Our dean had but one topic of discussion for us to begin to mull over. But it is a doozy. If you remember more than a few years ago, there was a small...