Pastor’s Pen – January 26, 2014

New Year’s resolutions: The Pope Francis list finished… 8. Make commitments, such as marriage. Don’t be afraid to say “forever.” Francis advises the youth, for instance, not to fear marriage. The Pope says: “Today, there are those who say that marriage is...

Pastor’s Pen – January 19, 2014

New Year’s resolutions: The Pope Francis list, continued… 5. Meet the poor ‘in the flesh.’ Sure, we donate to charity. But this is not enough for Francis. Commitment to the poor, he says, must be “person to person, in the flesh.” Known as pro-poor...

Pastor’s Pen – January 12, 2014

New Year’s resolutions: The Pope Francis list … By using direct quotes from Pope Francis, Paterno Esmaquel II came up with a list of 10 resolutions for every Catholic to choose in this new year. I share them here for the next few weeks for your...

Pastor’s Pen – January 5, 2014

Little Christmas… The feast of Epiphany is often called the feast of Little Christmas. The Incarnation marks the great feast of Christmas where God took flesh and was born in time. Epiphany marks the movement of that revelation to the world at large. It would not...

Pastor’s Pen – December 29, 2013

In 2014, the city of St. Louis will celebrate its 250th anniversary and the 800th birthday of our patron, Saint Louis IX, King of France. As part of the year-long celebration to commemorate the founding of St. Louis and the birth of our beloved patron, the Archdiocese...

Pastor’s Pen – December 22, 2013

Christmas greetings from my boss.. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Rejoice! The weeks of Advent waiting are over, and Christ is born! We rejoice in our Savior’s birth — remembering the great gift of faith He has given us through the mystery of His incarnation and...