Pastor’s Pen – June 2, 2013

Summer at last… The official start of summer began on Tuesday – with both the Newman Center and St. Ann school being done for the semester. (UMSL does have summer classes, but the student load is much smaller than the spring and fall semesters.) That is the good news....

Pastor’s Pen – May 26, 2013

A thankful heart… There are many reasons why I find my heart filled with gratitude these days. Last night was the Legacy Dinner for the nine Catholic Newman Center (CNC) students who made their pledge to ‘pay it forward’ to the next generation of Newman Students. They...

Pastor’s Pen – May 19, 2013

Of pump houses and other things… Things change at times, and sometimes they change quickly. As I joined Dave Marstall, Matt Dooley and Jim O’ Donnell on Saturday morning, cleaning up the broken bricks and discarded ceiling materials from the first stage of the...

Pastor’s Pen – May 12, 2013

A forwarded blog from a Newman Center student written by a relative named Anna …from the blogsite: An Unfinished world… (Though I did not write this, I wish I had…) It was just a fleeting thought that came in the middle of the night when I couldn’t sleep, when...

Pastor’s Pen – May 5, 2013

From the USCCB… Dear Friend: The Obama Administration’s contraceptive / abortifacient / sterilization mandate will begin to be enforced against non-profit religious schools, charities and health care providers on August 1. In the days to come, Congress must...

Pastor’s Pen – April 28, 2013

John J. Conley, S.J., the Knott Professor of Philosophy and Theology at Loyola University Maryland wrote a challenging column in the Feb. 25th edition of America Magazine, entitled: An Unwelcome Anniversary. I don’t think I have seen a more concise or co-gent...