Pastor’s Pen – April 21, 2013

Archbishop Robert J. Carlson requests your support for the Fourth Annual Archbishop’s Gala for the benefit of the Today and Tomorrow Educational Foundation on April 25, 2013, at the Missouri Athletic Club downtown St. Louis. Proceeds from the Archbishop’s...

Pastor’s Pen – April 14, 2013

Of many things… If you remember, Conor Sullivan is a seminarian for the St. Louis Archdiocese who was assigned here last summer. He is preparing to be ordained to the Diaconate. He sent me the following ‘open invitation’ to all of you. He and his family “invite...

Pastor’s Pen – April 7, 2013

My family is closing Friday on the Kempf family homestead, a three bedroom (with a 4th added in the basement when my sister was born) that housed us 6 kids and mom and dad. It is the only ‘house’ I have ever known. (I have known 7 rectories – 3 as a transitional...

Pastor’s Pen – March 31, 2013

It feels like winter… It is hard to think about Easter after shoveling 13 inches of snow from the entrances to the church and rectory this morning. In a hemisphere where the arrival of spring is coterminous with the celebration of Easter, I miss the robins chirping...

Pastor’s Pen – March 24, 2013

Even the angels are silent. They know that this is no ordinary walk. They know this is no ordinary week. For hinged on this week is the door of eternity. Let’s walk with him. Let’s see how Jesus spent his final days. Let’s see what mattered to God. When a man knows...

Pastor’s Pen – March 17, 2013

Holy Week… There is meant to be something different about Holy week. Something that changes us, that allows us to enter into THE story that is at the heart of everything. To that end, I want to share with you some news about a St. Ann school Alum who allowed the...