Pastor’s Pen – March 10, 2013

How a pope is elected, continued… Because of lack of space last week, I omitted just a few details about the voting procedures in choosing a new pope, while still giving you the gist. Here are the missing details…. Once the ballots have been collected and counted and...

Pastor’s Pen – March 3, 2013

How a new pope is chosen… The voting by cardinals to elect the next pope takes place behind the locked doors of the Sistine Chapel. Under the rules, secret ballots can be cast once on the first day of the conclave, then normally twice during each subsequent morning...

Pastor’s Pen – February 24, 2013

Guests… Around 9 am on Saturday, March 2, 9 students and 2 chaperones from Western Michigan University at Kalamazoo will be arriving at St. Ann rectory, to take up residence for a week of service. They will be working with Beyond Housing, from about 9 am to ~3:30 pm...

Pastor’s Pen – February 17, 2013

Changing of the Guard… When I first thought of writing this week’s pen with the title: “Changing of the Guard”, I had no idea that Pope Benedict was going to make his historic announcement. But he did. Technically speaking, any Catholic, baptized male can be elected...

Pastor’s Pen – February 10, 2013

I received this letter from Archbishop Carlson. I pass it on to you both because he asked me to and because the matters contained within are important. As I have written before, these are not all of the issues that matter, nor all of the issues the USCCB addresses....

Pastor’s Pen – February 3, 2013

What is not to like about the annual St. Ann Progressive Dinner? I found that thought running in my head, as I made the “long” trek home from the final stop for desserts (the parish center) to my room. If you had the chance to partake this year, you know what a treat...