Pastor’s Pen – July 29, 2012

Those were the days, these are the days… A parishioner commented after the 5pm mass last night – “It sure is nice to see three priests hanging around the church after mass.” (Fr. Nord, the visiting missionary, Fr. Evan Villanueva and myself) Many of you remember those...

Pastor’s Pen – July 15, 2012

It was better than I feared… When all the bids were opened and evaluated, Albert Arno Heating and Cooling Company had the low bid on the boiler project for church and school by $2,200. I signed a contract on the 29th of June and the ‘deconstruction of the boiler’...

Pastor’s Pen – July 1, 2012

The myth of summer… A priest-friend commented on “the myth of summer” to me this week.  According to the myth, summers days, especially for teachers, school staff (and in theory) and pastors are supposed to be these wonderfully slow, hazy, nearly lazy days of rest and...

Pastor’s Pen – June 24, 2012

I have been cleaning out the back bedroom at my mom’s house.   That may not sound like hard work, but I confess, it has been more than a little wearying to do so.  You see, the back room is where mom had stored all her papers from the various causes she has championed...

Pastor’s Pen – June 17, 2012

Fortnights for Freedom… The USCCB as well as a group of religious women are suggesting that the fourteen days from June 21—the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More—to July 4, Independence Day, be dedicated to a “fortnight for...

Pastor’s Pen – June 10, 2012

Safe Environment As you know, for the past ten years, the Catholic Church has worked to foster a safe environment for our children, in our school, parishes, churches and any venue where we interact with minors.  The Safe Environment Program (SEP) is one of many...