Pastor’s Pen – November 7, 2010

Whew! Though I cannot prove it, I believe that if I had had to listen to one more negative attack advertisement about this or that candidate, I would have exploded. It wears on the spirit, doesn’t it? That kind of continuous rhetoric, continuous assault on the...

Pastor’s Pen – October 31, 2010

New Resident at the rectory… As you know, we have had a fair share of folks who have lived here at the rectory. I am happy to welcome another at the request of Archbishop Carlson. He brings an interesting twist to the history of the associates who have lived here....

Pastor’s Pen – October 24, 2010

From THE PASTOR of our Archdiocese… In a very short time, we will go to the polls to elect officials for various national, state and local offices. In addition, in the State of Missouri, we will also be asked to vote on Proposition A, which concerns City Earnings Tax....

Pastor’s Pen – October 17, 2010

Amazing faith… While you are reading this, I am with the UMSL Newman Center students on our Awakening Retreat. It is a retreat by college students for college students. Thank you, as always for your prayers during these days. It is a gift to be able to tell the...

Pastor’s Pen – October 10, 2010

Letters… Like all of you, I get a fair amount of mail. Some are bills, some are requests, some are diocesan matters, and some are words of thanks for jobs well done. Let me share some of those latter ones with you from my mail bag… From Archbishop Carlson: “I ask you...

Pastor’s Pen – October 3, 2010

Of many things… I heard a comment by a parishioner who no longer has children in our school: “I sure wish I knew more of what was going on over in school.” We have a few solutions to that issue already in place. In the vestibule of church, on the left side of the...