Pastor’s Pen – May 2, 2010

In good hands… I continue to reflect on the tag line from the Allstate people and last Sunday’s homily: You’re in goods hands. I received a copy of an email sent to our youth Minister, Beth Buchek, written in response to her question about how the youth group did...

Pastor’s Pen – April 18, 2010

These are painful times to be Catholic. And though it is easy to vilify the press because of their sensationalistic reporting of the continuing abuse crisis now centered in Europe and the Vatican and the Papacy, I don’t know if the church in the United States would be...

Pastor’s Pen – April 4, 2010

Wrong season? I woke up with my brain ‘singing’ a song from the musical “Mame” this morning.  I have no idea how it got there, but there it was. Haul out the holly; Put up the tree before my spirit falls again.  Fill up the stocking, I may be rushing things, but deck...

Pastor’s Pen – March 29, 2010

A mini-retreat… As we approach the great feast of Easter, I find myself grateful for the “high holy days’ of the Church – the Easter Triduum. Though we celebrate these days each year, there is something them which make them ‘ever ancient, ever new’. This entire Holy...

Pastor’s Pen – March 21, 2010

Generosity… You may know the Knights of Columbus for their tootsie roll drive for the mentally handicapped or their roses for life or the carnations they offer on Mothers Day. At St. Ann, you also know them as the folks who are selling the scrip coupons in the back of...

Pastor’s Pen – March 14, 2010

Of many things… The painters are working in church even as I write this. Dave Marstall oversaw the caulking of some of the flashing where the water was seeping in on the east wing of the church, and that area has been dry for several months. The church roof has two...