Pastor’s Pen – December 20, 2015

Christmas 2015 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Rejoice! The weeks of Advent waiting are over, and Christ is born! We rejoice in our Savior’s birth—remembering the great gift of faith He has given us through the mystery of His incarnation and the saving power of...

Pastor’s Pen – December 13, 2015

You did it!!! Though the pledges keep trickling in, at this stage we are at just under 117% of our goal in the Beyond Sunday Campaign. EVERY gift, from great to small and every-thing in-between, will make a difference, not just here at St. Ann, but across our...

Pastor’s Pen – December 6, 2015

Since the Jubilee Year of Mercy begins this coming Tuesday, Dec. 8th, on the Holy Day of the Immaculate Conception, I thought it good to use this space to print the prayer our Holy Father has written to celebrate the year. Post it on your refrigerator or bathroom...

Pastor’s Pen – November 29, 2015

Statement of the Missouri Catholic Conference On Terrorists Attacks in Paris and Syrian Refugee Crisis We, the Catholic bishops of Missouri, write to express our solidarity with all those terrorized by ISIS and other violent extremists who falsely invoke the name of...

Pastor’s Pen – November 22, 2015

As you might know, this week, the movie “Spotlight” came out. The movie follows the investigation of journalists into the allegations of clergy sex abuse in Boston and the cover-up by the hierarchy. Though I have not seen the movie, I am certain that it will raise...

Pastor’s Pen – November 15, 2015

Beyond Sunday are two wonderfully chosen words to describe the initiative begun in our Archdiocese. Our work as Catholics does not begin and end at the Sunday Liturgy, but, rather, is meant to go far beyond the walls of our St. Ann Church. We heard last weekend of the...