Pastor’s Pen – November 8, 2015

A few more saints with a small ‘s’… As you may have heard last week at the 5 pm or 8 am, my friend Dave Larson lost his fight with ALS. In a facebook post one of his many friends said this: “One of my college friends passed tonight. He lived the last couple of years...

Pastor’s Pen – November 1, 2015

Normandy City Council Meeting… The upcoming City Council Meeting on November 3rd at 6:30 will discuss, among other things, the next steps in the Great Streets project. As you know, the nearly completed Great Streets Project was the first in several stages of the...

Pastor’s Pen – October 25, 2015

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, In the United States today, numerous Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests past age 70 benefit from the Retirement Fund for Religious collection. Donations to this special collection provide funding that helps...

Pastor’s Pen – October 18, 2015

A joint press release… It would be easier to forget what we have seen, to erase from our memories and our minds what we have heard. But the statements and actions of Planned Parenthood medical directors and technicians, captured on film and released by the...

Pastor’s Pen – October 11, 2015

As we prepare to celebrate World Mission Sunday on October 18– the one day of the year in which all Catholics worldwide pray and sacrifice for the missionary work of the Church – we reflect on the message of Pope Francis: “Being a missionary is not about proselytizing...

Pastor’s Pen – October 4, 2015

The lights of the field are off. There are no cars in the parking lot. The muted sounds of cheering and groans of disappointment after a missed shot no longer waft gently through my window. The rectory no longer has the subtle but wonderful smell of BBQ lingering like...