Pastor’s Pen – August 16, 2015

Of Many things… Taylor Leffler and Padraic Stack… Remember these names. They belong to two seminarians who will be sharing their Sunday mornings with our St. Ann community, beginning August 30th. One of my hats is to be an adjunct formation advisor for two...

Have you ever wanted to cry “UNCLE?”

I am told the experience of “crying UNCLE” actually goes back to the roman times, where one, when overcome by a bully would cry out “Patrue, mi Patruissimo,” translated: “Uncle, my greatest Uncle,” in order to surrender and be freed. (Why you...

Pastor’s Pen – August 9, 2015

“I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully ade.” (Psalm 139:14) It only takes one trip to the hospital to grasp the truth of this insight from Psalm 139. We all ‘know’ on one level, the amazing complexity of the human body. But when we see people...

Do you travel well?

It strikes me that there might be one sentence missing from today’s first reading. I know: “Who am I to think that I know that something is missing from the Bible?” But the Israelites had been wandering for some 40 years in the desert, so it sure seems to me that –...

Pastor’s Pen – August 2, 2015

Of Liturgical quirks and calendar planning.. This year, the feast of the Assumption of Mary falls on a Saturday (Aug. 15th). Because of that, in the United States, it is up to the local Bishop to determine whether or not the “Holy Day of Obligation” status remains for...

Pastor’s Pen – July 26, 2015

Somehow, I always manage to be gone for the parish feast day. This time, it is for a baptism of the fourth child of two friends of mine near Portland, ME. (I have baptized the other three – so when they asked, I was delighted to say yes…) Still, I find myself thinking...