What is the primary work of Satan?

In the novel, All is quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, we follow a bit of the life of a young German soldier named Paul Baumer, fighting in World War One. In one part of the story, we find Paul huddled in a shell hole in the midst of an enemy...

How important do you need to be?

In February of 1999, Monster.com ran a famous ad in that year’s Superbowl. Perhaps you remember it. It was a bunch of kids answering the question: What do you want to be when you grow up? The answers were a bit telling… “When I grow up, I want to…” “File papers all...

Do you know who Aylan Kurdi was?

It is a heartbreaking image, one that you can’t ‘unsee’ once you have seen it. It is a small boy, face down on the edge of the surf, arm tucked neatly at his side, tennis shoes limp on the sand behind him — lifeless on the beach. Now we know his name and what happened...

Have you cleaned out your ‘fridge lately?

Our housekeeper is very good at keeping the rectory clean. But she also knows not to touch the food and leftovers that I have in the refrigerator. So, as I was putting away some food yesterday afternoon, I noticed some of ‘my’items in one of the crispers that had been...

Are you a Shopping Cart Catholic?

I have a confession to make. I am a recovering “Shopping Cart Catholic.” You know how it goes. You walk down the first aisle of Catholicism – “I’ll take a can of ‘Holy Days of Obligation”, no problem. “The Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and the other...