
“You are living stones, built as an edifice of spirit, into a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ…You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people God claims for his own to proclaim the glorious works of the One who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” I Peter 2:5, 9

We can build God’s Kingdom here by offering what we have to share. We are God’s servants, stewards of the many gifts that have been entrusted to us. The time, talents and treasure that are God’s gifts to you can work together with others’ gifts and sacrifices, so that together we can accomplish more than we ever dreamed.

Read on to see a portrait of St. Ann in the ministries that bring this parish to life. We need the diligent stewardship of every parishioner to connect the dots. Where do you see yourself in this picture? What is the place God has reserved for you?

Compliance with the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Program is required when volunteering with children.


Each May the Archdiocese of St. Louis conducts a development campaign. At the parish level we need volunteers to contact parishioners to ask for donations.


Young people in the fifth through eighth grades and beyond assist the flow of the liturgy as altar servers, assisting the prayer of the assembly by helping the service to run smoothly.


The Art and Environment Committee works for the beautification of the church interior and exterior. The lovely look of the lawn in front on the church and the color scheme for the painting of the church interior are the work of this committee. If you have an interest in architecture, liturgical space designing, landscaping or gardening, this committee is for you.


St. Ann runs a vigorous athletic program of soccer, volleyball, track,  basketball, baseball, golf and softball. We are always in need of good coaches and of people with organizational skills.


Any Baptism is a gift from God to us as He gives new members to our family in Jesus, but it is also a responsibility on our part to support the faith of these newly baptized children by our own lives of faith. To help prepare the families of those children who will be baptized to fully understand their responsibilities, we have a Baptismal Program here at St. Ann’s. Any registered parishioners, before the baptism of their baby, will take part in this program so as to make the event a more beautiful celebration. Classes are held for parents and godparents (by appointment)  in the rectory guest parlor. Contact the rectory early in the pregnancy.


Maintaining buildings is a relentless task. There is a maintenance committee whose members are always open to new workers, especially those with some skills.


If you can use a hammer and saw to do good things, we can use your skills.


Our school and office can use computer support services.


Do you have any skill in this area that you could offer to St. Ann?


It is amazing how a little well applied paint can improve the appearance of a building.


Minor plumbing problems develop from time to time and skilled help can go a long way towards saving our budget.


Contact Fr. Nick Winker


This group of volunteers cuts the grass, trims, rakes the leaves and beautifies the cemetery. They also maintain the equipment (lawn mowers, weed eaters, etc.).


At the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sundays during the school year we invite young children to come downstairs during the liturgy of the Word for a presentation geared to their level. You could help as a teacher or teacher aide.


Music is provided at all Sunday liturgies and important celebrations. We encourage participation of the entire congregation. Can you sing or play an accompanying instrument? We could use your skills at our Sunday and holy day liturgies.


Once a month, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament begins after the 8:00 a.m. Mass and concludes with Benediction usually on the second Friday of each month.  Dates and times are announced in the Parish bulletin.


A special privilege available to all men and women is the lay ministry of presenting to the people the Lord’s Body and Blood. At each liturgy members of the assembly assist in the distribution of communion to the faithful. Also, Eucharistic Ministers serve to bring the Holy Eucharist to the sick and the shut-ins. For more information regarding being selected for this ministry, contact Fr. Nick Winker.


The classes in school go on several field trips during the year to enhance their learning. Parents assist the teachers as chaperones and drivers, but other volunteers are welcome.


Do you have expertise in accounting, money management, or marketing? The Finance Committee advises the pastor  on the administrative realm of parish life. Members serve a three year term, with two new members added each year.


St. Ann has a council of the Knights of Columbus. This fraternal organization can do great works for our parish and beyond.


Lectors are members of our parish who volunteer to proclaim the Word of God, clearly and from their hearts, for God’s faithful people. Information may be obtained by contacting Fr. Nick Winker.


The Liturgy Committee helps lead the members of the parish to a more effective expression of faith in worship through the Sunday and special liturgies throughout the year. Would you like to use your talents to enhance the liturgical celebrations? Contact Fr.  Nick Winker.


The Marketing Committee is a group of school staff and parents working to communicate a    vibrant and positive image of the school community to both current and potential school families.  Using events like the New Parent Social, Open House, Back to School Night, and more, the Marketing Committee highlights the best St. Ann has to offer and works to promote interest and enrollment at St. Ann.


Volunteers are needed to give a few hours of time to deliver lunchtime meals to the elderly and housebound or convalescent people who cannot prepare a hot nutritious noon meal. Drivers and workers are needed. Volunteers interested in giving a few hours of time, as well as persons in need of these services are urged to call Carol Giblin at 383-3832.


The Men’s Club gives financial support to the entire athletic program for boys and girls of St. Ann Parish. It sponsors the Monsignor Sprenke Soccer Tournament. The club is active in social functions of the parish as well as assisting other organizations with their projects. The Men’s Club meets on the last Wednesday of the month at 8:00 p.m. Please do not feel that you need an invitation to attend one of the meetings. All men of the parish are welcome and encouraged to be members of the Men’s Club.


The Parish Council consists of ten members who serve a three-year term. New members are chosen each year from among volunteers.  The parish council meets on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. They do not meet in July, August, or December. They deliberate the challenge of calling St. Ann to be a community of faith and a leaven in the neighborhood.


St. Ann could benefit greatly if we had a permanent committee of phone callers who could serve as an information hotline, prayer tree, reminder of important events and solicitations. This ministry is open to everyone, but might be especially attractive if you have limited mobility but still would like to serve the parish.


The Pro-Life Committee promotes life from conception to death. Pro-Life is active in seeing that all pro-life issues are brought to the parish for action.


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, also known as the Catechumenate Program meets weekly from September through Easter to instruct adults interested in learning more about the Catholicwhen volunteeringwould like to share the gift of faith with others can be a helper in this program.


Each classroom in the school and preschool has at least one parent (fathers are welcome to apply if they are available during the school day) who coordinates extracurricular classroom activities such as holiday parties.


This group of ladies volunteers to clean the sanctuary and wash and iron the altar linens and assist the maintenance staff in cleaning the church and making it presentable for the weekend. Despite the caption, men are also welcome to help out.


There are nine members on the school board who are elected to serve a three-year term. We need three new members each year. They advise the pastor and school principal in making policies for the parish elementary school.


The Sponsors’ Dinner Dance Committee plans and executes the biggest parish celebration and fundraiser of   the year.  Alumni, parishioners, and friends gather for an excellent night of dinner, shopping and dancing to celebrate the St. Ann parish family and raise funds to secure its future.  Since 1970 when it was just a Sponsors’ Dinner Dance it has grown to include a very successful auction and a place of prominence on many peoples’ social calendars.  Parishioners have the opportunity to be involved in a variety of ways from serving on the committee to just giving an hour or two.  Volunteers are needed to ask for donations, set up, decorate and participate in the event on any level or as many levels as they would like.  If interested please call the rectory for more information at 385-5090.


Scouting is a unique opportunity for our young people to experience nature, good health habits, crafts, etc. Brownies, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts all need strong adult leadership. The scouting program provides training in service as well as life and leadership skills.


As a part of a wider outreach of services, St. Ann parishioners prepare casseroles on a timely schedule to be delivered to St. Patrick Parish in downtown St. Louis, where they are served to the hungry.


The purpose of the St. Vincent DePaul Society is to fulfill the two great commandments of love of God and love of neighbor. The primary function of the organization is to assist needy families without regard to race or creed. The members of St. Vincent DePaul Society meet one evening each week, 7:00 p.m. to be angels of charity, to administer the resources contributed by our parishioners to help those in the greatest need.


Many tasks come up in the parish, school or preschool which are not the clear responsibility of any one staff member. If you have office skills, could help with a mailing, help to supervise the playground during recess, or with other occasional tasks, we could use your help.


What other skills do you have that you would be willing to offer to your parish? Please contact the pastor.