Pastor’s Pen – July 14, 2013

Poetry… A recent edition of America Magazine, a periodical that I read with regularity, carried, as it often does, a panel with a poem that caught my attention. Poetry, at its best, juxtaposes words and images that challenge perceptions and invite a new way of seeing...

What do you do when you fail?

One of the books I read as a child is also a book you might know. It was called, THE LITTLE ENGINE THAT COULD. It’s the story of a train full of food and toys for children on the other side of a very high mountain. The train needs an engine to pull it, but engines...

Pastor’s Pen – July 7, 2013

Marriage… As you know, the Supreme Court ruled on two measures that effect society’s view of marriage. In case you missed the response, here is the press re-lease from the Archdiocese about the rulings of the Supreme Court last week. The Supreme Court’s decision to...

Pastor’s Pen – June 30, 2013

– a reflection by Rev. Michael S. Murray, OSFS In a perfect world, we would always be mindful of the presence of the God who created us, who redeemed us and who inspires us. In a perfect world, we would always recognize – and always manage to seize – the countless...

Pastor’s Pen – June 23, 2013

Why We Need a Health Care Conscience Rights Act: The right of religious liberty, the First Freedom guaranteed by our Constitution, includes a right to provide and receive health care without being required to violate our most fundamental beliefs. Especially since...