Pastor’s Pen – December 22, 2013

Christmas greetings from my boss.. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Rejoice! The weeks of Advent waiting are over, and Christ is born! We rejoice in our Savior’s birth — remembering the great gift of faith He has given us through the mystery of His incarnation and...

Pastor’s Pen – December 15, 2013

Televised mass update: Katie Pesha from the Archdiocesan Communications office sent this update on the weekly televised mass. “You recently heard from me about changes made to our local TV Mass offerings. In full appreciation of the fact that the recent changes have...

Do you ever need a new “map’?

I was nine days ordained. And already I knew I needed a new map for my priesthood. (“That didn’t take long!” a voice in my head said with a kind of sigh.) It was Christmas eve, after the 5 pm mass at St. Joseph’s parish in Manchester. And I was angry. The cause of my...