Pastor’s Pen – December 15, 2013

Televised mass update: Katie Pesha from the Archdiocesan Communications office sent this update on the weekly televised mass. “You recently heard from me about changes made to our local TV Mass offerings. In full appreciation of the fact that the recent changes have...

Pastor’s Pen – December 8, 2013

Of Many things… As previously reported, because the 2nd Sunday of Advent has priority in the liturgical calendar, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception is moved to Monday, Dec. 9th, but the obligation is NOT transferred. So we will celebrate the Feast day with ONE...

Pastor’s Pen – December 1, 2013

Opportunities… What better way to kick off the new liturgical year than by dedicating yourself to learning a little more about our Faith in a super simple way! The owners of have offered two options for this year. The first is a repeat of last year’s...

Pastor’s Pen – November 24, 2013

Holiday Tips from Kitty Dooling, M.Ed., L.P.C. The holidays can be a stressful time of year. For many people, there are special meals to cook, parties to attend and presents to purchase. This is in addition to one’s everyday responsibilities. But for others, the...

Pastor’s Pen – November 17, 2013

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, The gravity of the devastation in the Philippines, Vietnam and Asia by Super Typhoon Haiyan becomes more evident to us each day. Thousands have lost their lives and millions have been affected. The survivors are seriously...

Pastor’s Pen – November 10, 2013

Children’s foundation… continued. Some more Q and A… Won’t this initiative reduce state funding of public schools? No, the Initiative explicitly declares that state aid to a school district cannot be reduced because it receives funds from a non-profit foundation. In...