Pastor’s Pen – August 25, 2013

Sprenke time… In one of my favorite tunes from my college years, Joni Mitchell sings: “And the seasons, they go round and round, and the painted ponies go up and down. We’re captive on the carousel of time. We can’t return, we can only look, behind from where we came,...

Pastor’s Pen – August 18, 2013

Summer time, and the living was easy… After last summer’s record heat, who would have thought we’d have a summer filled with such delightful, fall-like days? Do not get me wrong – I am SOO grateful for the gift of a cooler summer. And for wonderful weather in Scotland...

Pastor’s Pen – August 11, 2013

A farewell to our college bound… Every summer, about this time, the Newman Center gears up for another year of ministry, new faces and new opportunities to connect students to their faith tradition of love and service. It is always an exciting time. As pastor, though,...

Pastor’s Pen – August 4, 2013

Of fiscal year ends and finance matters: Our parish Finance Committee met Monday to review the year end numbers. They turned out about how we expected them to for this year – in the red. The bulk of the deficit came from the Capital expenditures section. The new...

Pastor’s Pen – July 28, 2013

Family… By the time you are reading this, week one of Christian Family Camp will be done with one week to go. For many years, I was a week two camper, because of my brother and his wife, who were also week two folks. Then they became the directors for 5 years, and lo...

Pastor’s Pen – July 21, 2013

Of Supreme Court decisions… Ms. Reichenbach and I sent a letter home to all of our school families in light of the recent Missouri Supreme Court decision. I share it with you, the rest of our St. Ann community. Dear St. Ann School Family, You may be aware of the...