Pastor’s Pen – December 16, 2012

Ramblings… If you know anything about non-profit organizations, then you probably are familiar with the good-cheap-quick triangle. The ‘rule’ is that in non-profit management you can only have two of those three legs at any time. It can be quick and cheap, but it...

Pastor’s Pen – December 9, 2012

An interesting tale… There once was a factory worker who frequently left work pushing a wheelbarrow full of sawdust. Each time, the security guard would carefully search through the sawdust convinced the man was stealing something. Each time, he found nothing....

Pastor’s Pen – December 2, 2012

Thanks – outgoing… Last week, I kept you abreast of some of the incoming “Thank You’s” we had received here at St. Ann. This week, I have a few outgoing “Thank you’s” to express in your name. … If you have driven behind the rectory to the lower parking lot, you will...

Pastor’s Pen – November 25, 2012

Words of thanks… During this week which reminds us of the many things we are grateful for, I would like to pass on to you some recent words of thanks addressed to our St. Ann Parish. The first was a note from Sr. Olga, RGGS, and the women from Maria Droste home: The...

Pastor’s Pen – November 18, 2012

Of many things… By now, you have all received this year’s Visitation Drive appeal. As you may have noticed, my ‘ask’ is for twice the usual amount – to help defray the cost of the new boiler. Because of your wonderful stewardship to the weekly collection, the Dinner...

Pastor’s Pen – November 11, 2012

Now the work begins… It is Sunday afternoon as I write this. I leave after the Newman Center’s mass for my retreat, so I don’t know as of this writing who has won the presidential elections. Like many, I will not miss all the negative ads and campaign...