Pastor’s Pen – November 4, 2012

Of many things… The boilers are nearly done. Both are functional at the moment, so even if the temperature drops below 19 degrees, we will be covered. (It is at that point that BOTH boilers have to fire to keep up with the needs of school and church. Until then, the...

Pastor’s Pen – October 28, 2012

Year of Faith top Ten continued… As we continue the Year of Faith, here is the second part of the list of ten things Catholics can do to live this year of faith according to Bishop David Ricken of the USCCB. 6. Study the Catechism. Published exactly 30 years after the...

Pastor’s Pen – October 21, 2012

Bishop David Ricken of Green Bay, Wisconsin, chairman of the Committee on Evangelization and Catechesis of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, offers “10 Ways Catholics Can Live the Year of Faith.” Rooted in guidelines from the Vatican’s Congregation for the...

Pastor’s Pen – October 14, 2012

Of many things… If you remember, it was with great hope on the feast of Pentecost that I planted three seeds of the Sequoia Gigantica in a little pot on my windowsill. Germination time was 90 to 120 days. My pledge was to pray for the outpouring of the Spirit, not...

Pastor’s Pen – October 7, 2012

“To steer people to generosity…” This past Tuesday found many of the priests of the Archdiocese gathered together for our semi-annual “Archbishop’s Day”. The purpose of such days are to share a common vision about things which are important in the Archdiocese, to...

Pastor’s Pen – September 30, 2012

A year of faith… This October marks the beginning of the Year of Faith announced by Pope Benedict XVI to help Catholics deepen their relationship with God and recommit to the responsibility of sharing their faith with others. The observance begins October 11, 2012,...