Pastor’s Pen – May 1, 2011

I came across a few lines in “The Word” – a weekly column that unpacks the upcoming Sunday’s scripture in America Magazine – that caught my attention.  Barbara Reid, O.P., writes: “Easter is not only what happened to Jesus but, to a great degree, it is about what...

Pastor’s Pen – April 17, 2011

Holy Places… The church of the Holy Sepulcher is perhaps the most complex space you can ever imagine.  Housed under its roof are at least 6 separate churches/spaces of worship.  The hill of Calvary with its two separate altars; the stone of anointing with its perfumed...

Pastor’s Pen – March 20, 2011

Things unseen… Most parishes have people who do the ‘unseen things’, like replacing light bulbs or cleaning out gutters or dusting in the sanctuary.  Though the effect of what these volunteers do is barely perceptible, the result makes a huge difference in the parish...

Pastor’s Pen – March 6, 2011

Lent is late this year… If you remember in 2008, the date for Easter Sunday was about as early as it could be.  Falling on April 24th, this year’s celebration of Easter finds it about as late as it could be.  (Technically speaking, it actually could be one day later,...

Pastor’s Pen

Of many things… Despite the best laid plans of mice and men, you’ll notice some splotches in our roof in church.  The recent “Ice storm of 2011” not only made a mess of our parking lot, but also covered the drains in the flat ceiling of the church.  As it slowly...

Pastor’s Pen – February 6, 2011

A winter to remember… (or to forget) It is the lull between the storms as I write this.  We had enough residual salt down on the blacktop to keep ice from accumulating Monday night.  However, today’s sleet has done what the ice failed to do. The parking lot looks like...