Pastor’s Pen – June 13, 2010

As you may have heard, the Vatican gave its official ‘recognitio’ to the revised English translation of the mass.  Though it will be probably a year or so till it is implemented, I thought it good to begin the process of education around the “editio typica tertia”...

Pastor’s Pen – June 6, 2010

Of oil spills and responsibility… There were two disparate stories in today’s Post Dispatch. The first announced that the U.S. attorney general is launching both civil and criminal investigations into the Deepwater well explosion which precipitated the worst oil spill...

Pastor’s Pen – May 30, 2010

Sometimes it is bad planning –because you said yes to too many things. Sometimes the project that seemed so far away and that you had plenty of time for when you signed up for it comes due just as a boatload of emergencies suddenly strike. And sometimes, you simply...

Pastor’s Pen – May 23, 2010

In good hands, continued… If you happen to drive or walk through our cemetery these days, you’ll notice a change in the road surface. Norm Jacobs has generously donated MANY tons of white rock to re-cover the road surface. Thanks to Norm’s generosity and the hard work...

Pastor’s Pen – May 16, 2010

Busy days… These have been whirlwind kind of days at our little St. Ann parish. After months of preparation by our co-chairs of the Sponsor’s Dinner Dance, Kay Dieckmann and Cheri Smith and their fine tuned crew of volunteers, we had a delightful evening celebrating...

Pastor’s Pen – May 9, 2010

One of the largest collections of art, documents and historically significant objects from the Vatican ever to tour North America opens May 15 at the Missouri History Museum in Saint Louis for a limited engagement. “Vatican Splendors: A Journey through Faith and Art”...