In good hands, continued…

If you happen to drive or walk through our cemetery these days, you’ll notice a change in the road surface. Norm Jacobs has generously donated MANY tons of white rock to re-cover the road surface. Thanks to Norm’s generosity and the hard work of Mark Kohler (and his truck) and Dave Williams, our beautiful cemetery continues to be a place of peaceful resting, both for those buried there, and those who come to pay their respects. What a gift their time and talent is to our parish.

St. Ann Catholic Church Cemetery

As always, the spring and summer months find the cemetery in need of volunteers to cut grass and pick up the fallen limbs. I am also looking for someone who is willing to do some rather serious trimming of the tall grasses that grow alongside the creek that emerges from the drainage field of our parking lot. Having done this for several years running, it is not a task for the faint of heart or body. If you are willing to help in any capacity, please let me or Bob Beckring know.

After many months of prayer and preparation, the Bereavement Ministry team is wrapping up their training and will be ready to assist those who suffer the loss of a spouse or loved one with open ears and compassionate hearts. Their final meeting is May 25 after which I will ‘commission’ them to be part of the healing outreach of our Savior to the grieving. The members of the team are Gary Uthoff, George Keller, John and Mary Schulte and Ann Beckring. Thanks to each one for this commitment to our parish community. Thanks to Ms. Teresa Roberson-Mullins for her time in training them for this work. Their service is a sign that the Spirit continues to pour out his gifts into the hearts of each generation, inspiring people to put their unique gifts at the service of the Lord and His Church.

As we celebrate the feast of Pentecost this weekend, my hope is that YOU reflect on the invitation of the Lord to continue to be His hands, His heart, His love to the world. What is the dream, what are the skills, what are the gifts that have been given to you for the good of this community? Are you willing to ‘stir those into flame’, as we hear from St. Paul’s letter to Timothy? Are you willing to pray that the Spirit uses YOU to ‘renew the face of the earth?” Come, indeed, Holy Spirit, and fill the hearts of your faithful…