Feast of Saint Ann-July 26




Tradition holds that St. Anne or St. Ann is the mother of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus. Although there is no mention of her in the bible, non-biblical books including the Gospel of James, from the early Christian centuries acknowledge Mary’s parents as Joachim and Anne.

In 1378, July 26 was named the day of celebration for Anne. In 1584, Pope Gregory XIII extended her feast to the whole Latin Church. The church celebrates her feast day along with Joachim, on July 26th. St. Ann is the patron saint of grandparents, mothers, married couples and childless couples.

We invite you to pray this novena with the St. Ann community beginning July 18th at the 8 am daily Mass and all weekend Masses or anytime you feel the need for St. Ann’s intercession.

CLICK HERE-COVER to download cover

CLICK HERE-PRAYERS to download novena prayers

PLEASE NOTE: When printing this booklet of prayers be sure to select “Booklet” and “Print Both Sides” within your printer options.

Join us for a potluck celebration to honor St. Ann on Saturday, July 27th immediately following the 4PM Mass.
CLICK HERE for a flyer on what to bring to the potluck.

Our celebration will be in the St. Ann Parish Center and possibly outside, weather permitting.
The Knights of Columbus will provide hot dog and hamburgers.  Drinks will be provided by the Men’s Club.

Entertainment: If you play a musical instrument and would like to provide entertainment for the crowd, we welcome your talent.  Outdoor games will be available, weather permitting of course.