Sr. Dorothy informed me that once more the people of St. Ann have been amazingly generous to the Annual Catholic Appeal. Thank you so much for not only meeting our parish goal, but exceeding our challenge goal. (The challenge goal is the amount that we raised last year.) Thank you for believing in the mission of the larger Archdiocese enough to support it and become a part of ALL the ministries that are larger than the boundaries of this parish. On behalf of the many agencies that are served by the Appeal, (especially our little Newman Center here) let me say a profound word of thanks. (and if you still praying over your response to this appeal, you have a bit of time left. Your last chance will be a letter from the Archbishop via the mail, coming sometime soon…
Thanks once more to our Chairman Bob Beckring, for all his hard work in organizing our efforts here. Thanks to Sr. Dorothy for ‘leaving the convent’ (only for a while) to help with the collation and sending in of the pledge cards. Thanks to Audrey Hughes for opening her house and her heart to Sr. Dorothy, allowing her to stay in her home away from the convent. It is an amazing hospitality and grace she offers.
There is one more appeal that is in my heart before this fiscal year closes. It is the “Pay it Forward” appeal, that will be going out to St. Ann Alumni and parishioners. As you remember, last year was the first year of this appeal, designed to help keep tuition affordable. We invited all those alums and friends of St. Ann school to ‘pay forward’ to the next generation of Students and parents the gift of the education they received here at our beloved St. Ann.
I am always aware of the many demands on your charity and generosity. But because I believe in the education and religious formation that happens in our school on a daily basis, I am honored to ask people to support what we do with the gift of their time, talent and mostly treasure.
A letter will be going out in the next week or so letting you know the particulars of that appeal.
Thanks SOOO much for your amazing support and generosity. You have had multiple opportunities to continue the work of our Savior by your support. Thanks for stepping up to the plate and hitting a home run this year!!!