Pastor’s Pen – March 9, 2014

It is hard to reconcile the images of the beginning of Lent and snow on the ground. Having traveled twice now to the Holy Land, and seen with my own eyes both the lush greens surrounding the sea of Galilee and the harsh, hot desert around Jericho – the site of Jesus’...

Pastor’s Pen – March 2, 2014

House Guests… Once again, 9 students and 2 chaperones from Western Michigan University at Kalamazoo have arrived at St. Ann rectory, to take up residence for a week of service. They will be working with Beyond Housing, from about 9 am to ~3:30 pm daily. Then they will...

Pastor’s Pen – February 23, 2014

Dear Priests, Deacons, Religious and Faithful of the Arch- diocese of St. Louis, As we approach the first anniversary of the election of Pope Francis, we recall his words at last year’s World Youth Day, to the young people of the world regarding the Sacrament of...

Pastor’s Pen – February 16, 2014

Of many things.. I received the following note from Sr. Lorraine Foster: “On behalf of God’s thirsty children and their mothers, please accept my thanks for your generous collaboration with our mission. Your ‘fair trade market’ supplied the funds to equip 26 new Water...

Pastor’s Pen – February 9, 2014

Lent 4.5 Through a measuring tool called Global Footprint, humans are able to assess the impact of various lifestyles upon the Earth. It is a complex process, but a simple formula. At present, there are more than 6.5 billion people on the planet. If we were to divide...

Pastor’s Pen – February 2, 2014

Visitation Appeal – you folks are amazing… From this grateful pastor’s heart, let me say THANK YOU for your generous response to our Annual Visitation appeal. Your needed generosity has bought us a little breathing room in our operating budget. Obviously, there are...