Are you a fan of Pope Francis?

Apparently Pope Francis made more than a few people in the blog-o-sphere uncomfortable with an interview he gave this week. He had the audacity to say out loud “The church’s pastoral ministry cannot be obsessed with the transmission of a disjointed...

Pastor’s Pen – September 22, 2013

 “Find the right path toward the Door of Faith.” – Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI During this “Year of Faith”, the Archdiocese celebrates its 13th Annual Stewardship Awareness Sunday this weekend with the theme: Stewardship: The Path of Faith. We are not accustomed,...

Is there a ‘logic’ to mercy?

In the stories that Jesus tells in the gospel, I can only find the word “Must” happening twice. [Perhaps there are more, but I couldn’t find them…] And the word ‘MUST’ appears only once when spoken from the ‘God’ character. That once happens in today’s gospel of the...

Pastor’s Pen – September 15, 2013

Barry Buchek gave me this little gem of a reflection from a well worn book he was carrying. Since I am writing this column on the anniversary of 9-11, it seemed fitting to use it here. …On that day when we were attacked by men intent on terrorizing us, we stopped to...

Pastor’s Pen – September 8, 2013

Input and response needed… STLMetro is seeking feedback about expanding premium transit services to more communities. There are four proposed routes, of which Metro will choose two, to compete for federal funding. Metro wants to hear from all interested individuals,...

Pastor’s Pen – September 1, 2013

147 and counting… Figuring out enrollment at St. Ann school has always been an interesting exercise in hitting a moving target. At any given time last year, the enrollment varied between 152 to 157 students. A family would move taking 2 students with them. Another...