Pastor’s Pen – August 8, 2010

Starting back up… The floors have been refinished. New faculty have been hired. Familiar faces will be returning. The science lab is finally done. Two more MIMIO smart board/projector/laptop combo’s have been purchased. Faculty days of formation, retreat and planning...

Pastor’s Pen – July 25, 2010

In good hands… The busy stretch of summer began for me this week. It is busy good, but still busy. It started with a few days at the Kempf lake house, paying off a Dinner Dance item – a day on the water, skiing, tubing, etc. Repeat the same the next two days, except...

Pastor’s Pen – July 18, 2010

Summer reading… I am reading a small little book this summer, by a man named Brennan Manning. The book is entitled: The Furious Longing of God. Like much of Manning’s writing, it is not ‘new’ stuff that he puts forth. It is simply the gospel as it is meant to be...

Pastor’s Pen – July 11, 2010

Did you know… It is easy to think that as a parish, we are a little island, floating on our own. And then, continuing with that line of thinking, to be angry or frustrated at the Archdiocese for leaving us here on our own. But did you know that we are decidedly not...

Pastor’s Pen – July 4, 2010

Thanks… Sr. Dorothy informed me that once more the people of St. Ann have been amazingly generous to the Annual Catholic Appeal. Thank you so much for not only meeting our parish goal, but exceeding our challenge goal. (The challenge goal is the amount that we raised...

Pastor’s Pen – June 27, 2010

Editio Typica Tertio continued… 7. What about the rest of the Missal? The text of Ordo Missae I (Order of Mass) is the first of twelve (12) sections of the Missale Romanum, editio typica tertia undergoing translation. The remaining sections, which include the Proper...